Sunday, 16 May 2010

A good beggining...

First off let me say thank you to all of you who have responded, in any way, so far. I had never anticipated a massive rush to what was( is?) a fairly anonymous post and blog but am immensely encouraged by the quality of responses so far.

As you may know theonehundred is my response to Ian Hamilton's recent call for American revolutionary style 'Minutemen'. The reasons why I personally could not respond to him have been outlined elsewhere and on the blog, I shall not restate them here. However as I am the first to admit that this is still a work in progress and therefore the blogs may seem rambling, incoherent or plain odd I would like to make clear my vision for theonehundred.

Theonehundred's purpose is to circumvent the democratic deficit of institutional bias within the print, broadcast and on-line media by taking the arguments for self determination direct to the people of Scotland.

Theonehundred's membership consists of like minded individuals and organisations desiring Self Determination for the peoples of Scotland.

Theonehundred will aid the cause of independence by non-violent means.

Theonehundred will conduct its business in a manner bringing credit to both ourselves and the peoples of Scotland.

Sorry this seems a bit like a mission statement but hey ho.

I know it upsets some people but there are two words deliberately missing from the stated aims above.
Nationalism. I have already said why I think its negative connotations are easily exploited by the forces of Unionism, let us leave politics behind and use 'self determination' and 'independence' they easily fit and are harder to argue against.
Democratic. Whilst the wishes of the membership will shape the movement there may be times when actions must move faster than votes. My caveat to this is there will be guiding principles established prior to any activity taking place in the name of theonehundred. As examples; there must be a quorum of 100 from the membership taking part in any protest, all relevant authorities will be informed if there is a public order issue, any event will have a named leader responsible for the conduct of the group, etc.

Up till now I have been working on this in isolation and I am sure I have a better vision in my head than comes across in words. I urge you to think about what I am proposing as the start of a great force for good in Scottish civic life and please contribute what you can.


Not for Glory, nor Riches, nor Honours.

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